Let’s start with the back story. Tyler Fleming is a teacher in Michigan who listened to a podcast I was on and got in touch with me on Facebook. We now exchange messages weekly about the challenges he’s facing in the classroom and the inspiration he gets from strength and conditioning. He now keeps close tabs on the DEUCE blog, various podcasts, and the Strongman 101 & Strongman 202 program’s here.
This brings us to the video above. Two children “steal the show” to share with you what they’ve been learning. They are in the 8th grade at a public charter school on the westside of Detroit. Mr. Fleming teaches movement, with a focal point surrounding sandbags, in the school’s auditorium, which doubles as a cafeteria and, when he’s in charge it’s a gym.
There’s a certain enthusiasm from the boys in the video to share what they’ve learned that kept me from wiping the smile off my face throughout. Not to mention they move extremely well and are damn strong! You can imagine the impact of this type of connection can have in school considering the issues we’re facing in the public school system, especially in Detroit.
Mr. Fleming’s since created the Movement Hive as a resource for movement, ideas, and the seedlings for a gym of his own one day. You can read his blog here.
Thanks for the inspiration, brother. Let’s keep trading!
Logan Gelbrich
3/22/16 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Glute Ham Raises
15 Romanian Deadlifts
8 Weighted Sit Ups
Complete 12 rounds for time of:
100′ Sled Push
-Rest :30-