You’d be amazed how many people are sitting in a plush chair (potentially with popcorn in hand) sitting some place behind the surface of their eyes observing their own life happen in front of them. Passively, men and women are barely participating in their own lives. Outside of massive interruptions (often in the form of tragedy or disappointment) that whack these men and women over their heads to get back in control of their lives, they will conceivably miss out on opportunities to take action in the here and now.
Though it may be slightly better that being unaware and not committed to a gym, being unaware and committed to a gym is still far from ideal. We know that presence and awareness can be made available with a connection to a plan. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re probably unaware also. So, here’s a checklist for success for life at the gym:
- “Why?” – If you can’t answer the question, “Why are you here?” you’ll need to stop and figure that out first. I’ll wait…
- Push Partner. Do you have someone that you jive with in class? Albeit it competitive or mostly accountability-based, you need a partner in crime. Don’t worry if it’s not a formal agreement, all you need is some brotherly or sisterly energy.
- Adopt a Skill-Based Life. Training is like making your bed. There are a lot of people trying to make a sloppy bed and believe that making lots of sloppy beds is a better goal than making one good one. It’s a skill, so doing it well contributes not just to the esthetic but the actual effect of the action. Make a nice bed. Maybe even down the road you can make it fancy like a hotel room bed with that cool turn down effect, then you get better sheets, and more pillows. You get it.
- Get What You Came For. See #1. That’s why your here. Don’t forget it, don’t pretend other things are more important, and don’t leave without it.
Check the list, and check it twice!
Logan Gelbrich
3/21/16 WOD
200m Run
10 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (45/25)
-Rest 1 min-