Whole Life Challenge Gains and Losses

Statistically speaking, Saturday was a day for the record books. We finished eight weeks of intentional living with the Whole Life Challenge finals. It was a celebration of gains and losses. It was a celebration of gains in performance, lean tissue, and knowledge. It was a celebration of losses in body fat, inches, and bad habits.

"It pays to be a winner."

“It pays to be a winner.”

A sample of the top twenty players in the challenge improved their body measurement by 9.6%. For a two hundred pound man, that’s like losing nineteen pounds. The same sample out performed themselves physically by 17.97%, which is enough drastic enough of a change to spark rumors of performance enhancing drugs in such a short eight week period.

Family fitness!

Family fitness!

Our podium wasn’t just for show either. Sea Change Recovery and eight other sponsors ponied up big cash and real prizes to make the event world-class. The podium finishers were just an example of the droves of gains participants enjoyed from the Whole Life Challenge. Dan White took home first place, $700, countless prizes, and more with his effort. He lost 27 pounds during the challenge and improved his baseline workout score by nearly 40%. His wife, Emily, took second and lost 18 pounds. Colleen Ford took third with a perfect score and losing ten and half inches!

The Spirit of the Challenge award went to a quiet but determined assassin, Carolina Paredes. She turned in a perfect score, improved her performance by fifteen full percentage points, and lost nearly three and a half inches.

The entire day was a culmination of eight weeks of work. There was a little bit of sweat, a lot of laughter and applause, and food and drinks galore. Congratulations to all those that participated!


Logan Gelbrich



3/14/16 WOD

Complete 4 rounds with a partner for max velocity of:

10 Kneeling Med Ball Chops

5 Med Ball Double Tap Russian Twist Tosses (Ea)



Then, with a partner, AMRAP 7

Partner A: 7 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)

Partner B: Max Toes-to-Bar
