Statistically speaking, Saturday was a day for the record books. We finished eight weeks of intentional living with the Whole Life Challenge finals. It was a celebration of gains and losses. It was a celebration of gains in performance, lean tissue, and knowledge. It was a celebration of losses in body fat, inches, and bad habits.
A sample of the top twenty players in the challenge improved their body measurement by 9.6%. For a two hundred pound man, that’s like losing nineteen pounds. The same sample out performed themselves physically by 17.97%, which is enough drastic enough of a change to spark rumors of performance enhancing drugs in such a short eight week period.
Our podium wasn’t just for show either. Sea Change Recovery and eight other sponsors ponied up big cash and real prizes to make the event world-class. The podium finishers were just an example of the droves of gains participants enjoyed from the Whole Life Challenge. Dan White took home first place, $700, countless prizes, and more with his effort. He lost 27 pounds during the challenge and improved his baseline workout score by nearly 40%. His wife, Emily, took second and lost 18 pounds. Colleen Ford took third with a perfect score and losing ten and half inches!
The Spirit of the Challenge award went to a quiet but determined assassin, Carolina Paredes. She turned in a perfect score, improved her performance by fifteen full percentage points, and lost nearly three and a half inches.
The entire day was a culmination of eight weeks of work. There was a little bit of sweat, a lot of laughter and applause, and food and drinks galore. Congratulations to all those that participated!
Logan Gelbrich
3/14/16 WOD
Complete 4 rounds with a partner for max velocity of:
10 Kneeling Med Ball Chops
5 Med Ball Double Tap Russian Twist Tosses (Ea)
Then, with a partner, AMRAP 7
Partner A: 7 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
Partner B: Max Toes-to-Bar