Can a toddler speak like an adult? Can a two year old drive a Volkswagon? I can’t say there have been too many babies with fiancés. I’d be lying if I told you I’ve ever seen a five year old with a mortgage, either.
These are adult things.
It takes years to develop into the capacities for such and there isn’t much else (crying included) that can circumvent the process. While we’re at it, what is your training age? Meaning, how many years (not months) have you been training strength and conditioning? Mindless cardio and workout machines doesn’t count. I’m talking skill based weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, etc.
Zero years? One? Two? Eight? Not that many?
Your mind must adapt to understand what a lifetime looks like in the gym. Many of the things you want from your fitness will take a lifetime to acquire so, to avoid sounding like a toddler who thinks there are enough tears to cry in order to ride the roller coaster, enjoy the journey.
From one child to another, take my word for it. I’m a twelve year old with wide eyes for when I get my license, too. Bear with me.
Logan Gelbrich
3/8/16 WOD
8 Attempts: 10 Yard Lateral Cone Drill + 10 Yard Sprint
6 Alt DB Snatches (60/40)
2 Standing Broad Jumps (7’/5′)
Then, immediately perform the following for time:
60 Air Squats