Our friends at STRKE MVMNT are pioneering a conversation about movement with quality performance and lifestyle products. Thanks to STRKE, we have a great ‘Week 8’ experience coming your way. They celebrate movement of all kinds and so do we!
PRIZES: A perfect score in the lifestyle category this week puts you in a drawing for FREE gear from STRKE MVMNT!
Surely, it’s no secret that ‘Week 8’ is the final week of our challenge. In order to wrap up, you’ll need to do a few very specific things to finish your challenge, and have a chance to win some serious cash and prizes. Watch the video to find out what you need to do.
1. Body Measurement – Submit to WLC Profile
2. Workout (only if you aren’t competing at DEUCE at 10AM) – Submit to WLC Profile
3. Log Points – Submit Daily WLC Score
Our finals take place this Saturday at 10AM with the podium ceremony immediately following. Good luck!
Logan Gelbrich
3/7/16 WOD
Build up to a heavy two rep strict weighted pull up…
Then, complete 6 rounds for time of:
12 Burpees-to-Plate
6 Strict Pull Ups
12 Alt Pistols