It’s that time of the month. Come swap smiles with men and women from the community over some FREE fitness with us this Saturday. The FREE Community Workout is a tradition on each first Saturday of the month here at DEUCE Gym.
Never been here before? No sweat! This is for you! Are you a savvy, long time fitness fanatic (or a member, even)? This is for you, too. Join us Saturday at 9AM for a fun workout for people of all fitness levels.
Make sure to bring zero dollars and a good attitude!
Logan Gelbrich
3/3/16 WOD
Complete the following complex for load:
1 Log Viper Press
1 Log Push Press
2 Log Push Jerks
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
10 Over-the-Bar Burpees