Our good friends at ORIGINAL Nutritionals are our ‘Week 6’ sponsor. Since 2011, ORIGINAL Nutritionals has been supplying athletes and other nutritionally conscious men and women the basic, pure, essential products that fuel their lifestyles.
From high potency fish oil to real food nut butters and most recently goat whey protein. ORIGINAL Nutritionals is home base for clean nutrition supplements.
PRIZES: A perfect score in the lifestyle category puts you in a drawing for FREE clean athlete friendly products and swag!
It’s also time to talk about some key coaching. If you’ve got this far in the challenge and haven’t thought about how you want life to look when the game is over, you might be setting yourself up for failure. Check out the attached video for a strategy to create your own guidelines for life beyond ‘Week 8.’
Logan Gelbrich
2/22/16 WOD
Complete the following for time:
750m Row
20 Thrusters (135/95)
30 DB Hang Power Cleans (45/25)
40 DB Step Ups
500m Row