Our good friends at Train Heroic are generous enough to bring us ‘Week 5’ of the Whole Life Challenge. Train Heroic is an online platform for athletes to seek training programs and record their progress. In addition, it allows renown coaches in a multitude of disciplines to manage athletes around the world.
TrainHeroic is the platform of choice for our very own Strongman 101 and Strongman 202 programs.
PRIZES: A perfect score in the lifestyle category puts you in a drawing for FREE subscription to coaching in their marketplace from weightlifting to gymnastics technique work!
This week’s coaching is going to be critical at some point in the challenge. Since we’re over the halfway mark, you may need to hear this now:
At some point you’re going to forget why you’re doing this. The challenge may even feel long and purposeless. Those that can rally and get back in the game after a set back or bout with being unmotivated have a chance to win.
Logan Gelbrich
2/15/16 WOD
E: 6 Barbell Walking Lunges (AHAP)
O: 8 Pull Ups