Years ago a mentor of mine, Andy Petranek, wrote a blog about a key to getting things done. Whether we’re big procrastinators or little ones, we all do it on some level. I remember Andy’s point to this day.
At the time he was writing the post, he had just moved into a new home. As you can imagine, boxes lined the hallways much longer than anyone in his family had anticipated and the idea of handling the elephant in the room lingered into frustration.
His solution? He threw a house warming party. I got the invitation and RSVPed, in fact, before I learned about any lingering boxes. The blog was written the day of the party from inside the walls of a squeaky clean house.
How’d he do it? Necessity. With thirty people showing up at a specific time on a specific evening, he and his family had no choice but to take action.
Get unstuck and force yourself into a position of action. Tell you friend you’ll pick them up to go to the gym. Schedule a meeting with your doctor. Buy the plane ticket.
Until, then, you’re going to hope and wish and want your way into 2017 empty handed.
Logan Gelbrich
2/12/16 WOD
Push Press
Complete 2 rounds for time:
40 DB Snatches (AHAP)
100′ Sandbag Carry
40 Toes to Bar