Our friends at ROMWOD are sponsoring ‘Week 2.’ ROMWOD is online resource for yoga routines that help thousands of athletes prepare for workouts, recover from workouts, and chip away at movement limitations. Their app brings simple instruction direct to your phone.
You can even filter routines based on body part, specific movements, and even by how much time you have. The affordable service is arguably the best bang for your buck to keep you healthy and moving pain free.
PRIZES: A perfect score in the lifestyle category puts you in a drawing for a subscription to ROMWOD!
Want bacon? You’ll learn more about our sponsor Diamond Mountain Ranch during their sponsor week, but starting NOW you can get quality meat products from them at the gym. Order ahead of time on our Whole Life Challenge Facebook page!
We also have another FREE event for you guys this Saturday! Our friends from ROMWOD are coming. They are a company that provides online yoga resources for athletes looking to move and recover better. They are coming to DEUCE to offer a FREE session Saturday from 1-3PM.
Now that we’re in the midst of the game, here is some extra coaching.You don’t need to be participating in the Whole Life Challenge for this to matter to you either. A common fault I see in this game is a tendency to lean too heavily on the rules. Ultimate responsibility is beyond following the rules.
Logan Gelbrich
1/25/16 WOD
Complete the following for time:
400m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Situps
20 Push Ups
10 Pull-Ups
Odd: 10 Cal Row
Even: 4 Strict HSPUs