The man in the photo above is one of the sweetest people you’d ever meet. In addition, he’s one of strongest men on Earth. In fact, no man has pressed a heavier log than him in United States history. His name is Robert Oberst and he’s a fan of your energy, athletes.
Just yesterday, Oberst mentioned “what people don’t realize is that gyms are just about the people” He said, “if all of us were at 24 Hour Fitness it’d be amazing.” As much as we love the yard, the sunshine, the “texture of the brand,” if most of the odd birds that made regular gym experiences so awful shared this space with you, DEUCE Gym, too, would be a let down. Instead, DEUCE is filled with the very best energy on Earth that allows the strongest men on Earth and the most novice athletes on the planet to thrive in their own way.
Hold the standard with your presence. Be fun. You bring the vibe and we’ll bring the strength.
Logan Gelbrich
1/21/16 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (BW)
25’ Handstand Walk (or 100’ Bear Crawl)