The steel grinding against the chain as the garage door is wheeled up would be the first notable sound of the morning. It wouldn’t be nearly as early as regular class; maybe 9AM. It would be one of maybe forty finals days of existence for DEUCE Gym.
A handful of coaches, including myself, would probably talk over reggae music and pretend to warm up. The fridge of drinks and goodies would be too plentiful for us to finish without massive struggle between us.
We’d train, reluctantly. Then, the same clamor of metal on metal that started the abbreviated day would close it out. I imagine the sun still out, much too early to really be closing for the day. We’d close, nonetheless.
Of course wouldn’t be a real day at DEUCE Gym. This would only be a day if you all, our forceful family of students, were no longer. It would be sad and underwhelming. It’s be the beginning of the end, and even those days wouldn’t hold a candle to what we really are because of you all.
Thank you. You’re everything.
Logan Gelbrich
11/30/15 WOD
E: 6 Bent Over Rows
O: 8 Romanian Deadlifts
With a partner, AMRAP 9
Partner A:
Row 12 Calories
8 Burpees
Partner B: Rest