I first “met” Dylan Cohen while checking the weekly posting of the CIF-Southern Section batting leaders in the LA Times in 2004. I was a senior at Saint Monica’s and Dylan was a junior at Palisades High School. The name at the top of the list?
Dylan Cohen – .637 BA
He finished his senior year hitting over .600, which is the baseball equivalent of levitating, and he soon joined me at the University of San Diego’s baseball program. Today he’s a regular 7:30AM student.
I’m not one for highlighting individuals, but if you’ve ever taken class with Dylan you know two things are bound to be true. 1) Some work is going to get done, and 2) there will be no stress about it.
“D. Co,” as we used to call him, brings an attitude to the gym that should be emulated by all. He brings perspective. This isn’t the World Series of Exercise. Furthermore, when it’s fun it is really, really easy to get fit. Keep that in mind.
Logan Gelbrich
11/13/15 WOD
Find a 1RM Floor Press
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
12 Alternating Pistols
10 Double KB Cleans (53/35)
400m Run