Back in September we hosted Coach Chelsea for the ‘Level 1’ gymnastics seminar. We’re excited to announce that the Level 2 seminar is coming November 14th.
Check out the details of this next level opportunity:
Any and everyone who is looking to increase their gymnastics movements through better body awareness/leverage, technique and progression practice. Level 2 registrants must have a handstand kick up on the wall and a kipping pull-up. If they do not, Level 1 is recommended.
Gymnastics is the direct level above Nutrition in our CrossFit Pyramid of Fitness. It is the foundation for all other movements and translates to every aspect of our health and fitness more than most of realize. We believe gymnastics skill and ability is a crucial aspect to any sport performance.
PER-REQUISITES: must be able to complete kipping pull-ups and kick up to the wall for a handstand push up
Movements Covered:
-Freestanding Handstand
-Wall Running
-Handstand Walking
-Toes to Bar
-Butterfly Pull-ups
-Ring Muscle-ups (Transitions, Ring Dips, Ring Kip, Bands)
-Bar Muscle-ups
Cost: $100
Enroll at the gym or email info@deucegym.com to confirm your spot. Joining us? Make it ‘Facebook Official’ by clicking HERE!
Logan Gelbrich
11/4/15 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:45 Plank Hold
20 Inverted Shoulder Taps
50′ Forward Plank Walk w/ Toes on Plate
Complete the following for time:
Row 1000m
30 Pull Ups
Run 1 Mile