I love chatter. I’m talking about the hum of trash talk, wise comments, and semi-serious jabs that fill any dugout, locker room, poker table, or gymnasium. Back when I was playing still, they’d always say, “You won’t remember the scores or the great plays. You’ll remember these moments with each other.”
Much of that carries over for me to the community at DEUCE Gym. Sure, it’s the big lifts and the tough workouts that are the focus of our attention, but it’s the relationships that will stay with us.
If you hear the chatter, get in it. There will always be tough workouts. We need your help with a wise crack every now and then.
Logan Gelbrich
10/30/15 WOD
Part 1: AMRAP 6
5 Overhead Squats (95/65)
5 Burpees Over-the-Bar
-Rest 4 mins-
Part 2: Complete the Part 1 for Time
3×8 Bulgarian Split Squats