We lied to you. The short story is this is an excellent execution of bait and switch. You thought you were going to sign up for a gym, do some hard workouts, and get ripped. I don’t blame you. That seems pretty straight forward to me.
That’s not what we do. Sorry.
In fact, when you really think about it it isn’t what was really important, anyway. It’s just the only thing you thought to expect. Ripped arms (or whatever) are as much of what we do as the inflight movie means to American Airlines. It’s just like when you wanted to know how much the memberships cost. You only asked that because it’s the only question you knew to ask. Who would think to ask, “And, what’s you policy on pain free expression of movement that so impactful that I take up a lifestyle I didn’t know I wanted?”
Don’t get me wrong, you’ll do some hard workouts. You’re body will change (probably more so that you could have anticipated).
Yet, that’s not our core business.
We’re tricking you into moving better. We coach movement that is married to a skill based view of your lifestyle. We’re talking about a practice of movement that is inescapable in your life and a mastery of quality movement is the perfect place to get everything; not just ripped arms. With a pursuit of skill, we can trick you into getting your original goals, while incepting you with newer, bigger goals, too.
Sorry. And, you’re welcome.
Logan Gelbrich
10/20/15 WOD
Find Heavy Single Clean and Jerk
Complete 10 rounds for reps of:
In :60..
200′ Shuttle Run
Max DB Shoulder to Overhead (AHAP)
-Rest 1 min –