Even though in your immediate social circle it may be normal to squat heavy, box jump, pull up, and kettlebell swing yourself into oblivion, it’s still helpful sometime to be reminded that you’re demanding a ton of yourself. No matter how vital, even (dare I say) “primal,” functional training is still a burden on the body, albeit a healthy one.
This immediately invites clear thinking logic that says it may be important to include maintenance of said burdened body. Massage, soft tissue work, chiropractic, acupuncture, and other therapeutic methods are not for broken, injured people. They are for movers.
You are a mover. Movers need maintenance.
Don’t corner general maintenance as something reserved only for when things have gone wrong. It’s as normal as the training you’re doing.
You train your body because you care for it. You can seek body work in the same light.
Logan Gelbrich
NOTE: Movement & Mobility, our newest specialty course meets Saturday mornings at 9AM to address these very issues.
10/13/15 WOD
1RM Strict Press
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
3 Deadlifts (135/95)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Presses
200m run