If you’ve spent any considerable amount of time at DEUCE Gym, you’ve seen groups of beautiful pregnant women going through movement drills, training, and listening to workshops on pregnancy. We’re lucky to be one of ten nationwide BIRTHFIT Affiliates spreading the gospel of an empowered birth experience in a time that women are often put in a position powerlessness and ignorance.
Coach Lindsey is BIRTHFIT’s founder and our very own Emily Russak is both a doula and a BIRTHFIT coach. This week they’re excited to launch, The Real Deal, an eBook that lays the foundation for any man or woman looking to bring life into this world.
Whether you’re a mother or father-to-be, a movement coach, practitioner, or friend, grab a copy or gift it.
Logan Gelbrich
10/9/15 WOD
9×3 Bench Press w/ Chains
Complete the following for time:
21-15-9 Dynamic Pushups
21-15-9 Kettle Bell Swings (70/53)
50′ Sled Push