I was fortunate enough to attend a rare speaking event with poet, David Whyte, Saturday. For hours, David spoke above development and purpose with both casual stories and with poetry. There aren’t enough daily blogs to pack in the knowledge he shared over the weekend. I’d like to share one small idea with you, however.
David said, “Without vision of the frontier, the day to day becomes a burden.”
We know goals are helpful. We know when people have “vision” it’s a compliment not a critique, but why? In David’s statement, we need to have our eyes on the horizon to make our daily work worthwhile. I’d argue that you don’t even need to be accurate about your vision of this frontier. You must, however, be able to see (a better) frontier in order to do the hard things you should be doing today.
Logan Gelbrich
9/14/15 WOD
12 x 2 Back Squat (55% + 25% Chains)
*Every 45s
Then, complete 5 rounds for reps of:
In 90s, complete the following:
5 Deadlifts (265/185)
30 Double Unders
Max Wall Balls (20/14)
-Rest 3 min-