Yes, the gym is open on Labor Day. I’d ask though that you take a hard look at your training thus far. If you’ve been able to hold yourself to the training you’ve committed for, I want you to consider the importance of holidays like this. They are to be enjoyed. I encourage you to rest and recover. Do something fun, so that you’re chomping at the bit to return to the gym.
If you’ve been spotty with your commitment and training has been hit or miss. Today is a day, just like all the others to hold yourself accountable to the thing we are both working toward for your health and fitness. We’ll see you in class!
Happy Labor Day!
Logan Gelbrich
9/7/15 WOD
Sumo Deadlift
Then, complete 5 rounds for max reps of:
In :90, complete the following for:
100’ SB Front Carry
Max Odd Object Load
-Rest 3 Min-