My high school alma mater is just up the street from the gym. Saint Monica Catholic High School is a tiny school that often lacks the stereotypical high school experience. Some of that might be good (SEE: drugs) and some of that might be bad (SEE: the football team).
Nonetheless, there’s often a culture that blows through the ranks at St. Monica that is one of mockery. “Pshh! This place is a joke,” the kids will say. It often lacks pride. Rarely are kids eager to claim SMCHS as their own.
As humans, we’re experts at making things that we don’t want to take responsibility for wrong or “bad.” When kids at St. Monica didn’t think their school was cool, they’d mock it well before they’d fix it. It’s a common organizational cancer.
People do this with food, relationships, school, fitness, you name it. For example, such logic might follow that “If going to that gym where people get strong and fit is a ‘cult,’ then I don’t need to go.” The hard thing? Well, the hard thing is seeing something you don’t like and doing something about it.
I was fortunate enough to have special group while I was there, and we decided that you only get one crack at high school and, though it’d be hard, we wouldn’t poke fun at what we didn’t like, we’d make it different. I’ve seen this organizational fork-in-the-road go both ways numerous times.
Next time, I hope that you decide to do the hard thing and make it right before you make fun. If you see someone or something at DEUCE that isn’t quite holding the standard, fix it.
We never want to be a punchline.
Logan Gelbrich
8/25/15 WOD
“Bear Complex”
Make 5 attempts at the following complex:
7 Rounds:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press