If you’re training here, you’re absolutely clear on the mountain of responsibility in front of you to move better and work hard to improve your fitness. This responsibility is right in front of our faces on a daily basis and few miss the memo on this.
It isn’t your only responsibility, however.
Recovering from your training isn’t a passive pursuit. You’re actually tasked with the responsibility of recovering, too. Furthermore, this responsibility is as important as chasing the performance gains we’re all chasing in the gym, because without the recovery piece, well, those performance gains just aren’t coming.
What does this mean for you? It means with the same fervor and accountability you utilize for your training, you’ll need to adopt in your recovery practices. Sleep in a cold, dark room eight hours a night. Hydrate. Eat real food… Lots of it. And, take care of your body. Training like an athlete means you should have a relationship with a massage therapist, a chiropractor, and some other treatment professionals. Seek great resources and use them.
Recovery isn’t extra. It’s half of it.
Logan Gelbrich
8/13/15 WOD
Complete 6 rounds for time of:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
11 Box Jumps (30/24)