Today I thought about having to describe a close friend. I wondered to myself, “Why is he of such value to me?” To be honest naming accolades, his career, or circle of friends wouldn’t do the trick. I found myself trying to define it.
After sometime, I understood it all.
The absolute golden quality of any man or woman, in my opinion, is the ability to be 100% authentically you. Can you be here right now and openly recognize successes and failures? Most say they can but they know damn well they can’t.
If you can sit in a room and not be weird, you’re gold. If you can sit in a room without acting, posturing, sending weird vibes, or being unwilling to accept reality… You. Are. Gold.
I’ve never seen such a concentration of people like this as I have here at 110 Lincoln Blvd. Stay gold.
Logan Gelbrich
8/6/15 WOD
Overhead Squat
Complete 6 rounds for reps of:
:30 Max Double Unders
-Rest :30-