By nature, the hard stuff is easy to quit. Yet, it’s often doing the hard things that yield some pretty great dividends and so goes the crux of life.
I could care less why you start doing this stuff with us in the first place. There’s literally no reason or goal too superficial, in my opinion. I know, though, that unless you stop coming or completely miss what’s happening around you, that you’ll be affected more than just physically here. Continuing to face and overcome adversity changes more than just muscles. It changes your habits and tendencies. It changes who you are.
Taking on challenges much like the ones we offer here are much more about who you are than anything else. In that way, if you’re a person that rides this thing out, I can promise you that you’ll acquire reps that will harden you as a “finisher.” A finisher is a person that starts something and, regardless of what comes up, will finish it. That takes practice. Train who you are with things that make you better alongside people that make you better.
I invite you to forget how to quit with us.
Logan Gelbrich
8/4/15 WOD
Find a Heavy Sumo Stance Box Squat
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