We’re excited to announce new tees for both men and women. The satire benefit tees are for a great “cause” that affects people all over the world.
Did you know millions of Americans have underdeveloped and even dysfunctional posterior chains? These quad dominant stricken folks need your help!
There’s sizes for all shapes of athletes in men and women’s styles. Both are Alternative apparel and cost $25.
Can’t visit the DEUCE Gym Pro Shop in person? Shop at store.deucegym.com.
Logan Gelbrich
7/30/15 WOD
Find a heavy clean and jerk…
Then, AMRAP 3
8 Sledgehammer Strikes
8 Box Jumps (24/20)
-Rest 1 min-
8 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25)
8 Squats
-Rest 1 min-
8 KB Swings (53/35)
8 Burpees