If I were to toot our own horn a bit, I’d say DEUCE Gym does a great job at disarming seemingly audacious training. Barbells can be scary. Working out with chains? For most people, that seems insane. Yet, somehow, we’re able to show and tell our students that this is for everyone.
Part of this context of accessibility and safety is made possible with scaling and intentional coaching. Often times ,we set athletes up in training sessions so that there is full knowledge that the athlete will be successful.
Sometimes, however, it pays to stand in front of something, not know if the outcome will be successful, and still try it anyway. I believe that this can be done without the sacrifice of safety, as well.
Today is a chance to look at a task that you’ll need to start without yet having firm control of the result. A successful result is only possible with that initial departure; uncertainty and all. If you’re an achiever with Type-A tendencies today’s workout is important just like attempting a lift with a weight you’re unsure of your ability with.
Logan Gelbrich
7/29/15 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
1000m Run
30 Burpees Over the Box (20″)
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups