As we continue to demand and develop the best out of our coaches and coaches in training, we’ve been fortunate to attract the best of the best here at 110 Lincoln. We’re pleased to announce that Chelsea & Jeff McKinney are joining our infamous Coach’s Prep program as they move in from Austin, TX.
Regardless of experience, they will have to endure the grueling Coach’s Prep program before coaching with the General Physical Preparedness (GPP) program. However, Chelsea and Jeff’s experience is remarkable.
Starting July 21st, Chelsea will lead a DEUCE Gymnastics specialty course on Tuesday evenings at 7:30PM. Athletes of all fitness levels can drop-in for $20.
In addition, the Freestyle Connection staff coach will lead two gymnastics seminars at DEUCE:
Level 1 Gymnastics Seminar – August 22nd – $100
Level 2 Gymnastics Seminar – September 12th – $100
Choose anyone of these ways to improve your body control. The rest of your fitness will thank you!
Logan Gelbrich
7/14/15 WOD
Find a heavy deadlift single..
Then, complete the following for time:
Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Hand Release Push Ups
Pull Ups