So, this is a pretty cool conversation. I was emailing back and forth with Gabe about attendance things and Gabe threw an awesome challenge right back at me, so I am going to extend it to the community.
Gabe sent me these pictures of the top of Mount Whitney. “Weightlifting is not a crime,” but what should be a crime is that there is not a DEUCE sticker on the top of America!
For the first person to send us a picture of a new DEUCE weatherproof sticker on the top of Mount Whitney there is a $100 gift card to the DEUCE Store. As we all know, it is possible to wear all things “DEUCE,” so let’s see it!
Also, respond in the comments with other places DEUCE stickers should appear. After all, we have all this fitness. We should use it!
I am gonna take a few to Rome. See you soon!
Danny Lesslie
7/2/15 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
8 Deadlifts (135/95)
4 Hang Power Cleans
2 Front Squats
400m Run