Here’s a secret: I’m slightly ( but not by much) a psychopath. I’m passionate, bordering anger about mediocre ideals holding ground in our communities. The kids these days call it being “basic.” I’m allergic to things and people that keep these things alive.
Whether you subscribe to this belief or not, this is a generation of change. We’re seeing this change creep into how we look at food, movement, and human potential with both a thirst for and the creation of quality content. To solidify this point, we’ll continue to fly the pirate flag at 110 Lincoln.
Pathetic world views that say things like weightlifting is dangerous, eating fat will make you fat, and that all we need to do is stay moderate are going to die. If we can, we’re going to kill them.
I read this the other day and think it belongs at the forefront of our minds as feeble leaders in our communities that are hell bent on us staying slightly diabetic, slightly injured, and largely incapable aren’t going to go quietly:
“The resistance from the incumbent knowledge holders will be no less fierce than the one that Galilei met in the Catholic Church.” – Otto Scharmer (Theory U)
Logan Gelbrich
6/25/15 WOD
Find Heavy 50′ Farmers Carry
3 Power Snatches (135/95)
6 Overhead Squats
9 Over-the-Bar Burpees