Folks evaluate themselves on an array of criteria from money and fame to free time and happiness levels. Yet, over the years I’ve begin to fall in love with a new, less common, criteria.
In my opinion, it’s a wonderfully powerful evolution to arrive at a place where you can say, “No.” It’s as simple as that. It works for any profession, too.
Imagine the actors that can say “No” to movie gigs. Now, imagine the actors that can’t say “No” to anything, no matter what it is. The trainers that can say no to less-than-motivated clients, the artists that can say no to commissions, and the musicians that can say no to gigs are all the one’s that are winning.
As we know, it’s rarely like that early on. At that point, we either don’t have the balls, or the livelihood, or both to say “No.” At a certain point, however, the ultimate freedom is being able to choose how and with whom you’re going to spend your time and energy.
In the same way, DEUCE Gym isn’t a slave to anyone with a couple bucks in their pocket. We think you should get to a place to say “No” more often, too. Try it!
Logan Gelbrich
6/16/15 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on the split jerk..
Then, Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
In 90 seconds..
10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
Max Shoulder to Overhead
– Rest :90 –