For the past few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel the country coaching the CrossFit Strongman Trainer Course for Rob Orlando and CrossFit HQ. We’re pleased to announce that for the first time we will be hosting the seminar right here in Venice Beach!
Starting July 27th, Rob Orlando and I will be hitting the road in a van documenting our travels up the California coast spreading strongman to as many people as possible. Each evening we will stop at a new gym and take participants through a clinic, three fun events, and enjoy a coffee/beer social afterward. Saturday August 1st, however, will be the only stop on the tour that we’ll do the entire CrossFit sanctioned seminar and it’s here at DEUCE Gym.
Athletes and coaches of all levels are invited to join us for a full day of hands on learning and training concepts for including strongman implements and movements into your GPP program.
Participants can expect to learn why strongman training might not be what you assumed it was and how to implement it into your training. In addition, participants will learn how to use the tire, stones, kegs, yoke, farmer’s handles, and the log.
Logan Gelbrich
6/11/15 WOD
Complete 7 rounds for time of:
9 Pullups
12 DB Clean and Presses (50/30)
15 Deadlifts (155/105)