The tinkerer has professed to keep his hands on the dials. He’s the one that isn’t happy with his current existence and is working to fix it. He’s accepted that it’s probably never going to be just right, but because his hands are on the dials the pursuit of perfection is a worthy one.
The tinkerers remind us that being passive is always a choice. Oddly, it’s never presented in that way. We often passively accept our undesirable fate as the nature of the beast as if it’s out of our control.
Meanwhile, the tinkerers are trying things. They are making it work. They are trying to do it better. They’ll do more of this and less of that, then they try less of this and more of that, because they are unwilling to settle.
If you don’t like it, keep tinkering.
Logan Gelbrich
6/2/15 WOD
200m Run
Max DB Thrusters (40/25)
– Rest 2 min –
200m Run
Max Toes to Bar
– Rest 2 min –
200m Run
Max KB Swings (70/53)