DEUCE Presents: Muscle Up Skill Session

We invite you Tuesday June 23rd for a skill session with specific focus on the muscle up. We’ll spend an hour and a half starting at 7:30PM about skill transfer, diagnosing movement issues, and improving capacity to perform the ring muscle up. Screen Shot 2015-05-31 at 8.19.11 PM

Though the movement is quite advanced and requires some base level fitness to perform, athletes of all fitness levels are welcome to the workshop. A total of twenty athletes will be able to attend and at press time there are only ten spaces left.

The last time I hosted a muscle up workshop we had great success in getting people over the rings for the first time. Don’t miss out!


Logan Gelbrich


6/1/15 WOD


Floor Press

Then, complete the following for time:
20 Front Squats (135/95)
30 DB Shoulder to Overhead (40/25)
40 Alt DB Snatches