What are the movements you don’t enjoy? Are there any that you would be happy if they stayed off the whiteboard for, well, forever?
I am just not a fan of Turkish Getups and Rope Climbs. I am perfectly capable of doing both, I just don’t enjoy them. I recognize the benefit of both, and believe that both are completely necessary to embarking on a journey to broad, inclusive fitness, but I am still just as well if I happen to be busy on those days.
Here is the thing. Whether your list looks like mine or not, I am sure there are a few of these in your repertoire, and you probably could name them very quickly. If these come up, does this affect your performance? Does this affect your behavior? Are you actively avoiding these things? There are many validations for lack of participation that I have heard and that I can think of. Not many of which really hold much weight.
So, here is the scenario. You’re having a bad day. Things just can’t seem to get on the right track. You were late to work, you spilled your coffee, your meeting was cancelled, someone ate your sandwich in the company fridge, and now it’s time to go to the gym. The gym is your place of solitude. It’s time to focus on you. You look at the whiteboard, and “S**T!!” Sitting there are all of the movements you despise. What if you decided to just take that day, take all of it, leave your negative thoughts, and ego outside? Refocus on the larger goal of your fitness rather than the present small battle that seems so ominous. Then what happens?
I can tell you I am not sure of the exact result, but if you stack the cards against yourself, you are damn sure to lose. If you just embrace the struggle, get after it a bit, you will probably surprise yourself. To all those future rope climbs and Turkish Getups, I will be there. See you in class.
Danny Lesslie
5/21/15 WOD
Spend 15 Minutes on the Gymnastics Kip..
Then, complete the following for time:
400m Run
40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
-Rest 5 min-
200m Run
20 Squats
15 Situps
10 Push Ups