I want everyone to be great. It’s corny and unrealistic, but that’s what I want. I want people to make it happen for themselves. I’ve learned, however, that there’s no use in wanting something for someone else more than they want it themselves. As a coach, I almost asked to validate others excuses for a living. You’d be surprised at how many people upon bumping into them at the grocery store just begin confessing their hectic schedules, nagging injuries, or recent nutritional blunders.
Even if I were to let them off the hook (“Yeah, man, I know.. It’s a jungle out there. There’s nothing you could do. Who could blame ya?”), it wouldn’t change anything. Emotions would be coddled, but the reality wouldn’t change.
One of the things I hear a lot are issues with finances. “I would but I can’t afford it,” is a common explanation which I’d have a hard time explaining to one of our young students who took a third job to afford her fitness. I’m not naive to the fact that this is expensive. In fact, I’m quite clear that it’s arguably the most expensive. So are most important things however. It’s worth noting, however, that virtually no one that claims this is pursuing their fitness in affordable ways either.
Recently, a local Venice resident claimed the good old fashion, “I would but I can’t afford it” line to me, which in mind head I decided, “Fine. He’s right. He can’t afford it.
..So, I’ll pay for him.”
I reached out to the gentleman and said, “I want you to get what you want and since you can’t afford it. I want to pay for you.” He’s since opted not to take my offer, which, of course, is fine but it shines a bright light on his reason for not training in the first place. So here it is:
I want to extend this offer to anyone that will show up to their classes without fail to claim the fitness that they want, but can’t afford it. My cell phone number is 310-850-3040, and all you need to do is call me and tell me you can’t afford it and you’re in, just as long as you show up.
I want to be clear that this isn’t FREE. I’m paying. I’ll earn money to pay out of pocket for your admission to be fit if you can’t afford it. No questions asked, because it’s that important. I just never want to hear the excuse again.
Share this with anyone you want.
Though I’m ready to pay for some kind folks memberships, I believe we’re going to see that things aren’t that simple. I think we’re going to see that it’s a lot easier to say you can’t afford something than decide to be responsible for it. I’ll be waiting by my phone.
Logan Gelbrich
5/19/15 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
2 Min Max Keg Loads (AHAP)
-Rest 2 min-
2 Min Max SB Front Squat (AHAP)
-Rest 2 min-
2 Min Box Jumps (AHAP)
-Rest 2 min-