I once had a PE teacher that notoriously said, “Good enough to… Good enough not to,” in reference to kicking the ball too hard, running too fast, throwing too hard, or what I’d like to call “winning.” She was looking out for the less athletic kids, I guess. I never thought I’d say this, but I found myself giving this advice to myself today.
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, Logan..” is what kept me relaxed on a Sunday. It was a familiar scene. I had about thirty-one minutes to do about twenty-nine minutes worth of things to do. In this case, it was three errands and rather than test my human potential and find peak stress, I decided that I will choose to chill.
Thank goodness.
I probably could have raced to drop off a rented table, return the rental truck, and rode my bike fast enough to not be late to a meeting, but the upside was getting all that done at the buzzer, on a Sunday, without any coffee, or breakfast. The down side was stress, being late for a meeting, and still being coffee/ breakfast-less.
I choose to do one errand. It was done with ease. I sat and enjoyed some food and a nice read with plenty of time to spare before the meeting.
If you’ve got a dangerously optimistic mind about what you can do, you may need a reminder to choose to chill sometimes. Not everything is a test.
Logan Gelbrich
PS – That PE teachers whole approach was still a terrible message for children, in my opinion.
5/18/15 WOD
Strict Press
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
30 Pistols
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)