Every now and then I’ll use this platform to ask a favor. I mean, I won’t post about needed help moving a couch, but every now and then a guy needs a favor, right? Welp! Here goes nothing:
I only want people in my life that are pushing me and people in my life that I’m pushing. There’s no room for standing around.
I don’t want to talk to you about the weather. I don’t want to have obligatory conversations. You shouldn’t want the same of me, either. As a matter of fact, I don’t think any of us have enough time on this planet to simply “stand around.”
You see, I don’t think I’m being an asshole here, either. I didn’t just ask that the people in my life only be people be capable of pushing me, I specifically want people in my life that I can push, too. That’s truly inclusive. It’s inclusive with responsibility (and that’s a big consideration). To assume that I am able to push someone, includes the idea that they are ready and willing to improve, which is the same exact responsibility that I’m held to for the people that push me in my life. We’re all accountable to an attitude of growth and prosperity.
It’s often viewed that objectivist, value based relationships like the one I’m describing are heartless, cold realities. Yet, I can’t think of a more sustainable, loving existence.
Please push me. If you can’t, maybe I can push you. But please, no standing around.
Logan Gelbrich
5/13/15 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (275/185)
50 Double Unders