At Coach Lindsey’s alma mater, Texas A&M, they have a name for the half committed. They’re called Two Percenters. They’re the one’s that don’t wear the school colors at athletic events. They don’t know the traditions. They often miss the richest experiences.
Conversely, we know there’s something special about being “all in.” Being all in comes with not only 100% of the experience, but it comes with the added bonus that full commitment brings. This bonus can’t be measured. It’s greater than the sum of its parts.
Of course, as long as there are humans, there will be Two Percenters, but it pains me nonetheless. At the gym, these are the folks that aren’t reading this. It’s the people that haven’t put together that specific movement instruction isn’t just information about their workout, it’s key information about them. These are the people that are drinking low fat milk (in the year 2015). These are the people that don’t come in for weeks when they break a toe.
In this case, being all in doesn’t mean wearing five articles of DEUCE apparel. It’s not about what your PRs are. It’s about how you go about your business. It’s that interest in getting what you came for. Considering what’s available to you here, I don’t understand any other position than “all in.”
Logan Gelbrich
5/11/15 WOD
5×5 Floor Press
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
1 Clean (225/155)
5 Deadlifts
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups