When you say you can’t you’re cutting down the efforts of those that decide that they can. The severity of this disease of excuse making is greater than it’s even been.
I just left a place where a woman with a severe disability became a world champion. We have training partners at DEUCE that drive against traffic from 20 miles away to get what they want. Even homeless teens find their way to show up and train here. To accept the notion that you can’t when others with your circumstances or worse decide that they can doesn’t give credit where credit is due. It’s a slap in the face.
Furthermore, a simple justification impacts the integrity of not just you but those around you. The thing that is rarely talked about is the fact that when you trot out excuses you make the people around you an accomplice to a lie. When you tell me you would but you can’t and I agree, now we’re both liars.
There are too many people worse off than any of us that choose to take action to pretend we can’t. Furthermore, don’t put the people around you in a position where they need to honor a lie. That’s unfair. Choose to do it. Or, choose not to.
Logan Gelbrich
5/5/15 WOD
Complete 3 round for reps of:
In 4 minutes..
400m Run
15 Russian KB Swings (53/35)
Max Burpees to Plate
-Rest 4 min-