You can almost sense that someone has never been put in their place when you meet them. It’s the reason why the best athletes can be gracious in defeat and still have confidence to win. They know, amongst their talents and success, the pain of defeat. Most martial artists have the utmost respect, for example, based on a clear caste system of belts and lineage. Plus, most martial artists have had their fair share of defeat.
Getting beat up has that effect, doesn’t it?
Maybe it’s the sense that because Floyd Mayweather has never felt defeat somehow contributes to his less-than-lovable characteristics, or maybe it was walking into WESTSIDE Barbell without an 900lbs squat this past weekend that’s really hit me over the head with this concept. Sometimes we just need to be put in our place.
I’ve been put in my place, and in the oddest way it feels right. It’s a big world out there, boys and girls. The moment you start to think you’ve got some things going for you, there’s nothing better than 1) a reality check and 2) the motivation from realizing how far you still have to go.
I’ve never felt more put in my place and I’ve never been more motivated in my life. Thanks, Louie.
Logan Gelbrich
5/4/15 WOD
9×3 Bench Press
100’ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)
50 Double Unders
10 DB Thrusters (50/30)