In talking with a student coach this week, we both came to the conclusion that I haven’t really figured much of anything out. I wouldn’t forfeit one idea, though. Of course, I haven’t fleshed out this theory, but I figure there are enough people much more intelligent and accomplished than I that agree that I can’t be that far off.
I’m confident that we’re supposed to keep putting ourselves in the places make us uncomfortable. We must evolve. That much we know. That much is in our DNA, at least.
The year 2015 is the year with the most opportunity to challenge oneself in the history of human kind. Simultaneously, it’s also the year that has the least incentive to evolve in human history.
The infrastructure has never been better. Life expectancy is incredible. Furthermore, anyone with the internet can access any major idea that’s ever been thought… ever. One can go to MIT for free online. Yet, survival is nearly guaranteed.
Being a “good,” non-contributing primate has never been easier. Being great, however, has never been this possible.
When you force yourself to be better, more robust, more versatile with relationships, your career, your spirituality, your anything, you’re evolving. That quest teaches you more than you could ever learn in comfort. It allows you to inspire others more than you ever could in comfort. It’s rewards you greater than you ever could in comfort.
And, I’m not quite sure, but I think it’s the meaning of life. It’s a hunch, but I’m rolling with it. Who’s with me?
Logan Gelbrich
4/24/15 WOD
Spend 15 min on the handstand push up…
Then, complete the following for time:
10, 9, 8.. 1
DB Snatches (50/30)