If there is one thing I’ve witnessed in human performance it’s that great efforts always include a distinct decision for it to be so. No one accidentally overcomes great adversity or accomplishes something incredible. Whether it’s pulling a world record lift, quitting smoking, starting a new business, or losing a hundred pounds, the feat must first be decided in one’s mind.
Consider that until one decides his or her fate, it’s not really in his or her hands.
Once one decides to do something, to be something, or to have something, the universe starts to make way for these things. Each moment of trouble along the way must move aside to make one’s original decision true, whereas when one moves through life undecided these trouble spots become reasons to deviate from plan.
Decide. The rest is history.
Logan Gelbrich
4/15/15 WOD
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
-Rest 5 min-
300 Double Unders
-Rest 3 min-
400m Run