We all have our bubbles. It’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with existing inside the hipster heaven of Venice Beach. There’s nothing wrong with being caught up in the lustful CrossFit romance. Even as Americans, we’re in our version of what’s real. No harm no foul.
The mistake that gets made is when we start to attribute our version of reality as everyone’s version of reality. Most mature minds could imagine that their existence isn’t everyone’s existence. In fact, our creativity allows us to differentiate between what we’re living in and what we could be living in or what others know as reality. Sometimes, however, our creativity fails us and we need a reminder.
This weekend I was blessed to take my bubble and some people in it to Santa Fe, New Mexico to teach a seminar. On the trip we stopped at a proudly unchanged local landmark, The Frontier Restaurant. Inside we’d meet local characters who’s existence not only didn’t include similar interests, but a worldview that was of life with different options for norms. To them we might as well have been from Mars and visa versa.
It’s key, in my opinion, to visit some place new to refresh your mind. It’s a jungle out there and reframing your perspective might make you operate that much better when you return to your bubble.
Get outside.
Logan Gelbrich
4/13/15 WOD
Even: 2 Thrusters (AHAP)
Odd: 300’ Shuttle