It’s about that time, ladies and gentlemen. This Saturday we’re hosting Nate Helming and Carl Paoli’s Fee+style Running Seminar here at DEUCE Gym.
The seminar will cover concepts and drills in running with a perspective like you’ve never seen before. They’re recently added spots to the event, but it’s still nearly sold out with just six spots left.
Whether running is a weakness for you, running gives you pain, or you’d benefit from a bump in performance, this Saturday is a dream come true. We’ll be learning at hyper-speed with both lecture and practical drills from 10AM to 2PM.
Logan Gelbrich
4/7/15 WOD
Complete 6 rounds on the 3 minutes for reps and time:
:15 Max Burpees
100” SB Front Carry (AHAP)
*Athletes receive two scores each round 1) burpees and 2) time