I’m my short time on Earth, I’ve come to learn something that I think we all have observed but fail to really believe. Even amongst all the successful people, talented people, and folks that are quite “put together,” consider this:
Everyone is making this shit up as they go.
When I think about this, a couple things happen. First, it let’s me off the hook a bit. Knowing this allows me freedom to move and develop in my life without being held back by the worry that I need to feel “ready” to do anything.
Second, it’s inspiring! If all the people I look up to are trying to figure out what the right things to do are each day without some concrete understanding of the world and their future, then that means I can be that way, too. If not knowing all the answers is all you need to start, then I’m a damn professional.
Lastly, it waives red flags when I encounter people that claim they do have everything figured out, because those folks are either lying to you or they are completely missing the point. Beware.
Logan Gelbrich
4/1/15 WOD
Find a Heavy Single Sumo Deadlift
12 Banded KB Swings (53/35)
12 DB Walking Lunges (50/30)
12 Situps
Complete 100 Banded Good AMS for Quality