As many of you experienced in this last Whole Life Challenge, nutrition is everything. Ninety percent of the the things people come to the gym to get either happen or don’t happen based on what their eating. Furthermore, we know that eating for performance is stereotypically challenging. Food is often hard to find, takes planning, and can be expensive.
We’re excited to announce a new partnership with Power Supply Meals to fill the void. If our athletes eat quality food, our job is 200% more easy and more students are attaining more of their goals.
Here’s how ordering works:
Portion Sizes – Choose between Boost or Standard. Most are happy with Standard, but the calorie-concious go with Boost.
Lunches, Dinners or Both – We focus lunches a little more on easy eating during the day and dinners tend a bit more sit-down oriented. But you can choose from either lunches or dinner if you opt to customize your order with our Mod Your Menu tool.
3 or 5 Days a Week – 3 day plans get one delivery on Mondays. 5 day plans get two deliveries: three meals on Mondays and the remaining two on Thursdays.
Order Deadline – Each Thursday at midnight in order to receive meals delivered to DEUCE Gym the following week.
Customizing the Menu – We’re big on simplicity and new things each week, but modifications are cool too. So no worries if you want to load up on a favorite or sidestep something you don’t eat. Here’s more on menu customization, or what we like to call modding your menu!
If you sign up for a recurring plan (set-and-forget, lower cost), there’s no commitment – you can cancel at any time. And if you want to pause for a short period (e.g. vacation or work travel) you can handle that right in your account online. We’re shooting for all of our deliveries to be made before 7 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. If that changes as we adjust our delivery routes we’ll keep you in the loop on new times.
Bon appétit!
Logan Gelbrich
3/31/15 WOD
Complete 20 rounds for time of:
1 Box Jump (30/24)
2 Strict Pull Ups
4 Pistols