It took me nearly four minutes of vigorous scrolling into the depths of Carl Paoli’s Instagram page to find it. As it turns out, it was posted 96 weeks ago to be exact, but I’ll never forget when I first saw the simple photo illustration that read, “How strong do runners have to be?” The photo below struck me like lightening.
I thought to myself, all these guys, like Coach Paoli, in San Francisco were looking at movement in a way that no one else was, but who was this new guy, Nate Helming?
After they dropped this simple image on the internet that spoke a thousand words, they dropped another and another and another. Simple photos that spoke so much with simple red and blue arrows. In my eyes, they changed the game with one photo. My mind was exploding.
I had to meet Nate.
Sure enough, I would get that chance. The moment we pulled up to the CrossFit Games in 2013, we ran into good friends Sal Masekela and Carl Paoli filming a behind the scenes piece on Carl in the parking lot. Standing nearby was Mr. Helming, and while they interviewed Coach Lindsey I made a bee line for Nate.
“Hey, man. My name is Logan, and I really appreciate what you’re doing..,” was the only thing I could tell the guy.
After a weekend together, several beers, and plenty of fitness spectating, I was sure that Coach Helming was even more incredible than I’d first thought. Several months later, we hosted Nate for his first ever Helming Athletics Running Seminar at DEUCE Gym. We packed the room with CrossFitters, triathletes, and weekend warriors.
Over the course of the last few years, Nate and Carl would become great friends and have a massive influence on me as a coach, more so than they’ll ever know. Now, these guys are working together to blow people’s minds, in person, with a new seminar.
We’re primed to host the first Free+style Running Seminar that combines the brilliant language pioneered by movement specialist, Carl Paoli, dubbed the Free+style Connection with the crossover strength and conditioning work of endurance guru, Nate Helming.
Join us April 11th for a movement seminar that will change your mind about human movement and how it pertains to running. Join us by clicking here!
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Logan Gelbrich
3/20/15 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time:
400m Run
20 DB Push Presses (45/25)
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups