I mean, are you running any specials on yourself right now? Look, basically, I’m asking you if you’re willing to just undervalue yourself for a second… just a little bit. I get that you’re worth, let’s say, “X” but what if we worked something out? Maybe let’s do your value minus 20% or so?
OK, I’m kidding. It almost sounds offensive when you put it point blank like that though, right? I was talking with my good friend yesterday. He, like most people that walk past the ‘Motivated People Only’ sign hung on the gate of DEUCE Gym on a regular basis, is very good at what he does. Life recently brought him a new opportunity, except it came with a caveat.
“We’d like you to jump on this (dream) project with us, but we can’t pay you what your worth.”
I’m happy to report that he told them, “Thank you, but no chance.” Self worth is a tricky thing sometimes. All ideology, politics, and otherwise aside, I think that we live in a world that often places guilt on self worth. We feel more inclined to discount ourselves than to demand our own self worth. Appearing narcissistic or conceited is, after all, a terrible thing to be called, but what about toeing the line for yourself, is that bad?
I don’t think so.
At what point do you quit giving your self away? Your life is all you have and all of you talented folks especially should understand that yourself worth doesn’t go on sale. Ever.
Logan Gelbrich
3/19/15 WOD
E: 8 Hollow Rocks
O: 1 Hang Clean (AHAP)
With a partner, AMRAP 6
15 Double Unders
100′ Keg Carry