OK, so after over a thousand blogs, I’m going to take a mulligan. Well, kind of…
I want to ask a favor of you all here. You see, things are going well around 110 Lincoln Blvd. I think part of the success, we’ll call it, is a manifestation of strict standards of excellence.
Though Danny, Lindsey, Embo, and I are learning as we go, we aren’t ignorant to the familiar story. The story goes, a high performance group hungry for success claws their way to some success, momentum builds, the taste of success brings a newfound comfort, comfort destroys the hunger, and the quality that created the success is inevitably diminished.
None of us are self proclaimed experts, but I think we’d all agree we don’t want to participate in a story like that. The favor I’d like to ask is that you take the role of whistle blower. Please, hold me accountable.
If the gold leaf that those words, ‘Hold the Standard,’ are etched in ever fades, I want our community to call bullshit. We’re striving to build a place that represents something greater than ourselves and if this place ever becomes something that we all don’t want to strive to emulate, we’re failing our charter.
Logan Gelbrich
3/11/15 WOD
4x 800m Run
-Rest 3 min-
3x 12 Ring Rows
3x 20 Hip Extensions