You can earn your lifestyle points this week by refraining from interrupting your meals with technology. To earn your points, you must comply for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Each week a meaningful sponsor will help us make for a rich challenge experience. This lifestyle challenge is brought to you by our friends at The Run Experience.
The Run Experience is an online resource for runners from all walks of like to enter in a conversation that allows them to move better, run faster, and enjoy running for leisure and sport. Craig Dos Santos and Nate Helming have teamed up to bring a fresh look at running specific movement.
This week’s challenge winner will receive a surprise from The Run Experience. Play to win!
Logan Gelbrich
3/2/15 WOD
Complete the following for time:
100 Double Unders
5 rounds:
12 1-Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead (50/30)
10 Pistols
100 Double Unders
3x: 20 Shoulder Tap (Plank)
3x 6 Slide to Hollow